Friday, May 18, 2007

Our Kids Need Us

I read a really interesting editorial by Dorothy Rich. Ms. Rich makes some excellent points about the importance of making sure our kids know we care about them.

That doesn't seem like rocket science, but, according to Rich, a new study on the reasons that high school students drop out of school indicates that, in addition to family and economic reasons, about 24 percent cited their feeling that "no adults in school cared about them."

Rich is on target when she points out that caring for students is more than academics and accountability-its about the perception on the part of the students that teachers really do care. My daughter, a senior in high school, recently received her fourth letter from her favorite teacher. This teacher makes it a point to write a letter to his students at the end of each semester. The letter may be a form letter, but it's filled with thoughts and ideas about their futures. Then, at the bottom, he handwrites a note to each student, telling him or her how they are special or how they have stood out in his class. My daughter was so proud of this that she ran home and showed me.

Not all students have what they need at home. Parents work hard, and many times, through no fault of their own, they just aren't able to give their kids the time and attention they need. That's why it is incumbant upon each and every one of us to make a difference to a child.....our kids need us.

Melissa Simon


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