Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Talitha Goes To Washington

Talitha Halley, Proud Sharptown High School's New Congressional Page

Talitha Halley is on her way to Washington. She has earned a post as a Congressional page for U.S.Representative Al Green. The Sharpstown High School junior's journey to Washington, DC has been a long and bumpy one. Born in New Orleans, Talitha came with her mother to Houston in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina. At Sharpstown, Talitha has busied herself by pursuing a path of excellence. She has a 3.3 grade point average; is a member of the Varsity volleyball team; and serves as the 11th grade Student Council Class Representative. Donna Wotkyns, CIS Project Manager at Sharpstown, says Talitha has been an inspiration during her three years on caseload. Talitha's attitude, boasts Ms. Wotkins, is reflected in one of her favorite quotes,"Never a failure, always a lesson," and is the foundation of her success.

In order to qualify for the U.S. House of Representatives Page Program, Talitha had to achieve at least a 3.0 G.P.A. and she had to write two essays. She was chosen out of 300 students and is the only one from Texas. She is now a part of a select group of 150 students, who receive a stipend and will take school classes while fulfilling their page duties.She will be in Washington from January 23rd to June 4th.

We at Communities In schools wish Talitha the very best! We know that she will represent Texas, Sharpstown High and CIS in a manner that will make us all so very proud!

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